today's post is a bit of a deviation from my standard comments on decorating...i have the winter blues which, as all my fellow novocastrians (and a majority of the eastern coast new south welshmen) will have noticed, is because we are one week out from summer and it has been raining for 5 days straight and we've had temperatures of 15-16 degrees. what has happened to our aussie summer? where are our 30+ degree days. did spring even happen this year?
i'm hoping the weather turns around quick. i'm dreaming of our traditional aussie christmas where everyone sits around an outdoor table sweating all over the paper bon-bon hats. i also hope summer comes soon so i can have another go at stand up paddle boarding (a.k.a supping). i tried supping in July this year whilst holidaying in the greek islands and i've been busting to have another go since. i should be taking advantage of the lack lustre weather to tone up so i can look good on the board Rihanna style

photo via stand up paddle board blog - check out their infor on supping.
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